supporting healthcare researchers
I am really proud of the work I have done as an Associate with NHS R&D North West. I specialise in using creative ways to communicate research findings, and use FUN, PLAY, CREATIVITY AND METAPHOR to build strong communities of Practise and strong engagement. Putting empahsis on Fun & PLAY, participants step just enough outside of their comfort zone to engage in new ways of learning that can have profound effects on self-confidence, leadership skills, team development, retention, community of practise, networking and resilience.
I facilitate and co-deliver workshops and programmes supporting Health Care Researchers to communicate their research findings in creative ways (moving away from ‘death by power point’!), Leading Cultures, and Early Career Researchers across the North West Coast with the Clinical Research Network, now delivering it's 4th cohort, accredited by Liverpool University.
This has highlighted the need for flexible and creative approaches to communicating within corporate settings, and sharing of ideas, I am always happy to explore new ways of communication & facilitation.
I have run workshops for the trust including; 'Talking Textiles', 'Re-imagining the poster presentation' and reflective collage for reflecting on influencing styles'. And have interviewed guests for their fabulous 'Wonder Women' series; https://research.northwest.nhs.uk/work/film-series-3-wonder-women/
'Jana is held in high regard within the NHS research community for her skill and expertise in facilitating group work and I would highly recommend Jana to any organisation looking for a group facilitator'
Gillian Southgate
Director of Collaboration