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In a nutshell!

Fill out this online form to be added to the waitlist, and to hear about fantastic future programmes and offers! (Full details below):


Sounds like this could be the programme for you, but want to know the MAIN BITS  before diving into the blurb?


Here are the 5 main points you need to know:

  1. WHO: Creative mothers! At any stage of your creative practise. Creativity might be a hobby, interest or full time job. This programme is for you!

  2. WHY: Work/life balance, career changes, family changes, finances, confidence, imposter syndrome, energy levels or taking a leap. You need dedicated time and space to focus on whatever it is you are bringing. This programme gives you that.

  3. WHAT: A group coaching programme. Basically, this means a closed group of 6-8 mothers to go on this journey with. The nature of group coaching is that you benefit from the groups collective wisdom, BUT you will be focusing entirely on your own STUFF.

  4. STUFF: There are 4 x two-hour coaching sessions with Jana, a PDF workbook and access to the private WhatsApp group for this programme only.

  5. WHEN/WHERE: Online using zoom. These will run roughly 4 weeks apart Starting Sep 2022 – December 2022 10am - 12pm:

2022 DATES:

Sep 21st 10am - 12pm

Oct 19th 10am - 12pm

Nov 16th 10am - 12pm

Dec 14th 10am - 12pm


Sound good? Full details below!

Kickstart your Spark!


Group coaching program for Creative Mothers

Starting September 2022


A four-month online group coaching programme for Creative Mothers


‘Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximise their own performance*’


Calling all Creative Mothers!

Do you dream of fantastic creative projects, full of joy and wonder? Wish you could see the challenges and head straight for them? Find yourself wishing you had more time to focus on the task in hand, and drill down to the detail, creating, crafting, and honing, because creative problem solving is what you do? Then, on a good day, you emerge triumphant. ​Job done! Or do you have lots of ideas but no time or space to explore them? Do you have secret ambitions?...

The truth is, life is chaotic and throws a whole barrage of challenges at you, all at once: funding, families, fatigue, the Wi-Fi is down and oh no, we’re out of milk. For many a Creative Mother, it can all seem a bit overwhelming. Our straight-line thinking has now become a bowl of spaghetti. 

So how do we get back on track if our track has turned into noodles?


Resilience and resourcefulness are important in the world right now. ‘Adapt and survive’ is no longer just a phrase, it is how we live our lives. Our contracts are shorter, our funding more elusive, and our careers more fluid. We live on shifting sands where the only constant is change. So, before we embark on the next stage of our journey, doesn’t it make sense to learn how to navigate? To fine-tune our emotional Sat-Nav for the winding road ahead? 

Coaching sessions provide a space where you can think, talk openly and safely, a chance to test out your assumptions, and to be heard. To be listened to can often be a gift that brings about positive change in understanding, self-confidence and decision making. Creatives often focus all their energy on ‘performing’ and this can raise the pressure and cause anxiety, in turn undermining performance. Instead, the coaching invites you to explore what’s possible for you, what is your potential, and to get creative about the things that get in the way.


What to expect:

  • Foundation Session - we will be using some brilliant tools to really understand where we are at, and where we would like to be moving towards.

  • Four months of online sessions from September 2022 – December 2022 (4 x 2 hour online sessions in total).

  • Collective coaching with a small group of six women, plus your coach Jana.

  • Group support and encouragement via WhatsApp between sessions.

  • In September a first foundations workshop session where you’ll be invited take a step back, take stock and explore alternative perspectives.

  • Continuing with sessions that harness the wisdom of shared learning, while also providing a context in which you report back on your learning, achievements and issues you’re facing.

  • Ongoing sessions that are designed for you to work on your own priorities while also exploring shared themes, for example being assertive, relationships, creativity, time management, listening, working from strengths, conflict, and maintaining focus. 

  • A final session in December 2022 to bring together our shared learning and identify next steps for the future.


What you’ll come away with: 

  • A strong sense of, and reconnection to, your personal resilience, resourcefulness and well-being, in relation to your creative practice, your work and life.

  • A clear sense of how to live your values, overcome self-limiting beliefs and recognising the power of choosing a different perspective

  • An understanding what knocks you off balance and how to regain that balance

  • An ability to manage self-limiting beliefs and build confidence

  • A better sense of how to prioritise and set meaningful goals

  • A shared learning experience and new relationships with other mothers involved in creative practice.


About your coach, Jana:                                                                       

I am described as honest, warm, direct, fun and


My coaching draws on a range of traditions and

walks of life (including performance, facilitating,

sociology of fun, clowning, the amazing Brene

Brown’s research into vulnerability, Amy Cuddy’s

research, compassionate leadership, creativity

and innovation).

I challenge and provoke individuals to become more aware of the

choices they are making, to identify alternative choices they could make, and to have the self-belief, confidence and trust to make the changes they see as important.

I believe you have the resources you need to resolve your own problems or challenges, including the resources to seek appropriate advice or guidance. My role as a coach is to form a relationship that enables you to develop personal resourcefulness through questioning, supporting and challenging, including offering alternative perspectives. 

I encourage participants to move beyond reflection and try things out! Coaching provides a safe context to design sets of actions, test them out and assess what is learnt. 

I know that group coaching provides a powerful format to harness the collective wisdom of the group while challenging you to apply learning to their own situation. I can’t wait to share it with you!


If you are interested in booking a place, or would like to know more,or have a chat about whether this course is right for you; contact me on:

07812456852 or email me at:

Look forward to hearing from you! jana X


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